Monday, June 18, 2012

Pocono: NASCAR, Red Solo Cups & God

I like many of you have been a NASCAR Fan for several years and enjoy it and think I know it about as well as the next fella but, what I learned at Pocono changed it all. NASCAR will forever be more to me than it was or I even thought it would be. Let me set the scene and then I'll tell you what is there, what I saw, what I learned and what I love.

Earlier this year I had spent some time with the JTG Daugherty #47 Bobby Labonte Team at Richmond Spring Race thanks to the great folks/friends at BUBBA Burger. Bubba Burger is one of a handful of great Tailgating Products Sponsors like Kingsford, Bush's Beans, Scott Wipes that support the JTGD Team. So anyway, I got along with the guys and had a great time but told Tad that I really wanted to come to Pocono and see the #47 with Bubba Burger Car as the Primary Sponsor and all over the car. He smiled and said I would be welcome and my little wheels started turning.

After some tears and tantrums, weeping and gnashing of teeth, begging and pleading, those awesome folks/friends at BUBBA Burger hooked a Bubba up. It was actually an email to BUBBA saying I would love to go and him saying he would see what he could do and that's mighty kind of Andy Stenson for sure. 

So I get back to Pit Road Sunday morning pretty early for the race and head back past the Pits through the Garages full of cars going through Inspection and people walking around till I got to the Team Hauler. After a while of talking with many of the different guys on the Team and Bobby Labonte I found myself talking with one of the Gas Men. He was just a good ole boy and seemed nice so I sat there spreading the BUBBA love and all when he got up to go somewhere. He said "Well, I'm gonna be heading over to Church now and I just gotta get another buddy on the Team who is going". I asked if it was a Motor Racing Outreach Service cus I'd heard of them boys and he said yes so I invited myself along.

We got to the ARCA Garages where they had some folding chairs all lined up and a bunch of people milling around so the three of us fellas pulled us up a couple of chairs behind Bobby Labonte and a couple others from our Team and just then Team PR Lady came running in with a big ole smile she had not been late. Just ahead of us I saw David Ruetimann but actually I didn't look around after that I just focused on God. It was great to have two of my favorite things so well blended and I really for the first time was aware of just how well blended they are.

So the ole Preacher boy had a great Sermon where he demonstrated that if we all just look around we see God everywhere. It really hit home that I had had my face right there looking at NASCAR from the outside and now more from the inside but God is right there in plain sight. I will forever see God in NASCAR and seeing the strong faith walking the walk in the #47 Team made me an even bigger fan them too. I spent some time after Church fellow-shipping with that ole boy the Gas Man and we prayed and shared our testimonies and it was just awesome!

Oh yeah, the Red Solo Cups. In his Sermon he told a story about having some great fun by putting a heavy Magnet inside yer Red Solo Cup and putting it on the roof of yer car and driving slowly around parking lots driving people crazy. Ok, so I guess I did learn more then just the one thing from this MRO Preacher Boy. Thank You Andy & Jamie at BUBBA Burger, Tad and his whole JTGD Team and you God for always being there...Everywhere.

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